Wu Zhuoliu Archive



(以出版時間順序排列,由遠至近/In chronological order)

河原功『日本統治期台湾文学集成30呉濁流作品集』(緑蔭書房 2007年)

Lau, Jennifer Junwa. Re-Reading Translations in Wu Zhuoliu’s Orphan of Asia. Master of Arts, East Asian Studies, University of Toronto, 2010. 

Ching, Leo. "'Into the Muddy Stream': Triple Consciousness and colonial Historiography in The Orphan of Asia" in Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001, pp. 174-210. 
Lau, Jennifer Junwa.  "Unsuspected Introductions in Translated Texts: A Case Study on Wu Zhuoliu's Orphan of Asia" in Journal of Translation Studies, 14 (1&2), 2001, pp. 1-16.
Scruggs, Bert. "Identity and Free Will in Colonial Taiwan Fiction: Wu Zhuoliu's 'The Doctor's Mother' and Wang Changxiong's 'Torrent'" in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2 (FALL, 2004), pp. 160-183.
Liao, Ping-hui. "Travel in Early-Twentieth-Century Asia: On Wu Zhuoliu's "Nanking Journals" and His Notion of Taiwan's Alternative Modernity" in Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History. David Wang and Carlos Rojas, ed. Durham: Duke UP, 2007, pp. 285-300. 
Ford, William. "Ambivalent Attraction: Depictions of Women and Nationality in Wu Zhuoliu's Orphan of Asia" in Columbia East Asia Review, vol 6, spring 2013, pp. 92-109.
Tsai, Chien-hsin. "At the Crossroads: Orphan of Asia, Postloyalism, and Sinophone Studies" in Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities, Number 35, July 2013, pp.27-46.
李郁惠「呉濁流『アジアの孤児』論 ―その地政学的配置とジェンダー―」(日本台湾学会 第二号 2000年)
丸川哲史「台湾のポスト植民地期(1945-50)における文学―異文化接触とステレオタイプの形成―」(日本台湾学会報 第三号2001年)
山口守「境外の文化--環太平洋圏の華人文学/呉濁流と国語問題」(汲古書院 2004年)